
How To Set Up A Family Office

Kanchana Boopalan

Client Manager and Resident Trust Manager, Singapore

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A Family Office can aid protect your wealth at present and for future generations. Here are the key questions earlier you decide on its office and construction

A Family Office structure is a bespoke service that helps give global protection to a family unit's wealth and manages its assets, investments, businesses and residences from a single point of administration.

What is a Family Office structure?

Family Office structures are used by wealthy families to administer all their business affairs and investments. A single Family unit Role structure can manage the entirety of your family unit wealth, helping you lot make decisions that volition protect information technology now and for time to come generations.

It can also ensure regular advice between family members, wherever they live and whatever their interests in the family wealth. This can exist useful if large numbers of family members need to be consulted or considered. The assurance of discretion is another significant advantage.

You may take a Family Function already and want to upgrade or change it, or y'all may be looking to set up a Family Function structure for the first time – then what are the costs and benefits?

As a general guide, a Family Function structure could price about 1% of the family'south full wealth.

Information technology tin expect afterwards your avails worldwide and help with decisions about the future. Information technology tin can too ensure that your current investment and time to come planning strategies are in line with your family unit's goals, beliefs and values.

What should I consider when setting upwardly a Family Office?

A trusted partner can assist y'all make up one's mind on the Family Office's structure and function. That partner will provide management and advice on topics such as investment and planning.

Before you set up a Family Part, you need to define your objectives:

  • How important is confidentiality and discretion?
  • What are your current total costs? Are y'all getting the service you expect in return?
  • What is the best location for your Family Role? Which jurisdictions practice yous currently operate in?
  • Would you benefit from bringing all your assistants and accounts into a single entity?

Intertrust Group can help you notice answers. We work alongside existing Family Offices or create new teams across multiple generations and global locations. Our Family unit Office service brings together all our expertise in funds, corporate services and capital markets to navigate the complexity of private wealth for our Family Office clients.

Here are some questions to consider as yous start setting upwards a Family Function:

1. What is the objective of your Family Office?

Before y'all start, it is of import to define the aims of the Family Office structure and decide who will be responsible for decisions, how decision-making will accept place and how it volition exist managed.

Specialist help may be needed if family members live in different jurisdictions with different revenue enhancement implications.

2. What is the scope of your Family Office?

It is up to family unit members and their partners to make up one's mind the size, costs, benefits, location and scope of a new or existing Family Office. Key questions will include:

  • Practise charitable foundations need to be considered?
  • Where should direction of assets be based?
  • Which jurisdiction is best in terms of taxation, regulation and security?

3. What is the Family Office's role and what skills are needed?

Many affluent families already rely on professional firms for accountancy and tax services and may have legal advisers, consultants and security services working for them.

Consider what services are already in place. Are you satisfied with them? Is it appropriate to continue outsourcing some services or would information technology be preferable to bring them nether the management of the Family unit Office?

4. How will hereafter decisions near the Family Office be made?

One challenge in growing and preserving family wealth is the issue of succession, decision-making and leadership.

  • How should intergenerational differences exist handled?
  • What role will different family unit members take?
  • How should conflicts exist resolved?

five. What practice you want in a partner?

At Intertrust Grouping nosotros provide undecayed partnership, the flexibility needed in a fast-changing world and vast feel in Family Function structures.

Starting a successful Family Part is a circuitous undertaking – working with Intertrust Grouping, y'all will have an experienced global partner committed to you for the long term.

Our role is to unleash the potential of your family structure by

  • Managing the family's investments and assets
  • Creating consolidated easy-to-digest reports
  • Providing family and corporate governance for your estate
  • Advising on succession planning, philanthropy, asset management and wealth structuring You tin learn more about our services here and arrive bear on with 1 of our experts today.

You can learn more about our services here and become in touch with one of our experts today.


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