
Nokia 7 Plus Stable Android 9 Pie Update Finally Starts Rolling Out

nokia 7 plus android 9 pie update

nokia 7 plus android 9 pie update

Calculation to the steadily growing lineup of Android 9 Pie devices, HMD Global (the company now leading the charge of Nokia-branded phones) is finally rolling out the stable update that brings the latest season of Android to Nokia 7 Plus owners.

The Finnish giant had been testing Android 9 Pie on its popular mid-ranger, the Nokia 7 Plus, ever since the OS update was announced at Google I/O 2018 earlier this year. HMD Global pushed out the last Android 9 Pie beta update to users a couple weeks agone and it seems like Nokia 7 Plus owners, like me, tin can now rejoice that the stable Android 9 Pie update is here at last.

The Android 9 Pie stable update, which carries the build number V3.22C, weighs in at nigh i.4GB in full and it does take some time to download and install, so be patient. We'd been testing the beta builds and the stable update appears to be complimentary of whatsoever bugs, and glitches upwardly until now.

Nokia 7 Plus Stable Android 9 Pie Update Finally Starts Rolling Out

As pointed out in the tweet (and screenshot) beneath, Android Pie arrives with "a plate of new features" to Nokia 7 Plus and this includes features such as the new colorful design, outlined icons, dark theme, gesture navigation that I've been trying to become used to since the beta, and all of your AI-powered goodness includingAdaptive Bombardment, Adaptive Effulgence and App Actions.

The highlight, however, would have to be the fact that Nokia seven Plus is the start non-Pixel device to get admission to Google'due south Digital Wellbeing tools that are currently existence tested in beta. It recently arrived to the device with a Play store update and users couldn't be any more than excited to try and curb their smartphone habit with useful insights.

Nokia 7 Plus Stable Android 9 Pie Update Finally Starts Rolling Out

While Nokia too points out that the stable update brings along a new camera UI, Google Lens, and Motion integration, just the same arrived on the device about a month at present. It was pretty buggy at the fourth dimension and we'll have to test out the update a petty extensively to know improve.

Fifty-fifty if the update has arrived a little later than expected, the Nokia vii Plus at present joins the likes of Google Pixel lineups, Essential PH-1, and OnePlus six to be running Android 9 Pie. Have you received the stable update on your Nokia 7 Plus yet? If yes, let us know your experience with the latest flavor of Android until now.


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